How to Share a Zap Template
To share a Zap template, you'll need to go to Zapier and follow these steps - keep in mind that you must publish your Zap to share it:
Search for your Zap within this section
Once you have found your Zap, click on the 3-dot button that's on the right
Select "Share a Template"
Confirm the details that Zapier will present you with and then, click on "Share"
You'll get a link which you can then share with anyone to review your Zap structure

Search for your Zap within this section
Once you have found your Zap, click on the 3-dot button that's on the right
Select "Share a Template"
Confirm the details that Zapier will present you with and then, click on "Share"
You'll get a link which you can then share with anyone to review your Zap structure

Updated on: 05/05/2023
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