Articles on: Zapier Templates

Zapier Automation #7: Google Sheets and WhatsApp

You may integrate WhatsApp and Google Sheets via our Nativa Zapier Integration.

Native Zapier integration is available on all TimelinesAI plans.
You can try it on a Free Trial right now! No credit card or additional setup is required, works with all WhatsApp numbers.

Learn more about the WhatsApp and Zapier Integration here.

In this article, we'll cover the process involved creating the following Zaps:

Create a row in a Google Spreadsheet whenever a New Message is Received on TimelinesAI
Create a row in a Google Spreadsheet whenever a New Incoming Chat is Received on TimelinesAI

We consider these to be basic Zaps that you can use within your workspace, however, we hope that after reading this article, you'll be able to create more WhatsApp/Google Sheets Zaps, based on your specific use case. Additionally, we'll provide Zap Templates, along with their respective Google Sheets templates for you to use, at the end of this article.

Create a row in a Google Spreadsheet whenever a New Message is Received on TimelinesAI

Step #1: Create a New Zap

Log into Zapier and then create a Zap by adding the information required in the respective fields like this:

Once you are done, click on “Try it”.

* Note: If you haven't done it already, Zapier will ask your permission to access information from your Google account. Just make sure to allow Zapier to access your Google account, by following the prompts that it'll display.

You must also integrate TimelinesAI with Zapier. You can follow these quick steps, in order to have everything set for this and future Zaps that you create:

Go to TimelinesAI and click on the "Zapier" section
Make sure to click on the "Generate new token" button. This will provide you with a token that Zapier will require, to integrate with your TimelinesAI account:

Make sure to click on that token, so it can be copied to your clipboard

Then, go back to Zapier and continue the process by pasting that token into this text box:

This will allow Zapier to load your WhatsApp account - make sure to select your account there and then, click on "Next"

Step #2: Editing the Trigger

Make sure to select your TimelinesAI account from its respective drop-down menu; just choose your workspace and Zapier will load the information within it.

Once you proceed and test the trigger, Zapier will load your recent chats and will be used for testing purposes.

Step #3: Editing the Action

Now, you'll be able to select your Google Sheets Account here, which will be associated with your email.

Within the Action drop-down, you'll have to select the Google Drive where your spreadsheet is located. Just make sure to click on "My Google Drive" from the drop-down menu.

Then, within the "Spreadsheet" drop-down menu, select the specific Google Sheet that you want to work with. This will allow you to select the specific worksheet (Sheet 1, 2, etc.) contained in your Google Sheet.

The following fields will be associated to each of the columns within your Google Sheet. Based on the Google Sheet template that we'll provide at the end of this article, you'll get all the fields available here right away but, you can always edit these columns within the Google Sheet, based on the information that you require. Keep in mind that the fields in question come from the chat information that Zapier gathers from your TimelinesAI account and its respective chats.

Here's a screenshot with some of these fields filled with their respective data:

Step #4: Testing your Zap

After setting everything up, you may end this process by testing your Zap. Zapier will create a new row, where information will be entered based on the fields you have in your sheet. You'll notice that Zapier will report adding information to elements with the title "COL$A, COL$B, etc."; these are the respective columns within your spreadsheet.

Create a row in a Google Spreadsheet whenever a New Incoming Chat is Received on TimelinesAI

Step #1: Create a New Zap

Log into Zapier and then create a Zap by adding the information required in the respective fields like this:

Once you are done, click on “Try it”.

Step #2: Editing the Trigger

You may select your TimelinesAI account from its respective drop-down. You'll then be able to proceed and test the trigger; Zapier will load the latest new chat within your workspace, for testing purposes.

Keep in mind that the elements within the retrieved chat on Zapier will be used for your Google Sheet. At the end of this article, you'll find a Google Sheet Template with the most relevant elements added to it, for your convenience.

Step #3: Editing the Action

Within this section, you'll select your Google Sheet, which will be the one that will receive the information in question.

First, you'll have to select your own Google Drive, where you have your Google Spreadsheet.

Then, you'll proceed and select the Spreadsheet you'll work with; afterward, you may select the worksheet(Sheet 1, 2, etc.) that's within this spreadsheet. Once done, Zapier will load the columns that you have in your spreadsheet, which should be the same as the elements retrieved within the trigger stage of this Zap.

Make sure to add their respective elements to these fields, so Zapier can place the corresponding data within the right rows in your spreadsheet:

Step #4: Testing your Zap

After setting everything up, you may end this process by testing your Zap. Zapier will create a new row, where information will be entered based on the fields you have in your sheet. You'll notice that Zapier will report adding information to elements with the title "COL$A, COL$B, etc."; these are the respective columns within your spreadsheet.

We hope that this article provides you with the basics, when it comes to creating Zaps for WhatsApp(TimelinesAI) and Google Sheets. You may find the templates that we made here:

Zap: Create spreadsheet row in Google Sheets when new received message in TimelinesAI
Google Sheet: Template - TimelinesAI - Zapier: New Received Messages

Zap: Create spreadsheet row in Google Sheets when new incoming chat in TimelinesAI
Google Sheet: Template - TimelinesAI - Zapier: New Incoming Messages

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us via our Chat Support or send us an email at We'd be glad to provide further assistance!

Updated on: 07/03/2023

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