Zapier Automation #5: Salesforce and WhatsApp
TimelinesAI allows you to integrate Salesforce with WhatsApp, via our Native Zapier Integration.
This Zapier template will automatically create leads in Salesforce whenever there are new incoming chats on WhatsApp.
Native Zapier integration is available on all TimelinesAI plans.
You can try it on a Free Trial right now! No credit card or additional setup is required, works with all WhatsApp numbers.
Learn more about the WhatsApp and Zapier Integration here.
In this article, we'll go over the process of creating this Zap. You'll find the template at the end of the article, for your convenience.
Log into Zapier and then create a Zap by adding the information required in the respective fields like this:

Once you are done, you may click on "Try it".
* Note: If you haven't done it already, Zapier will ask your permission to access information from your Salesforce account. Once you approve it, Zapier will proceed and gather data from your account. You must also integrate TimelinesAI with Zapier. You can follow these quick steps, in order to have everything set for this and future Zaps that you create:
Go to TimelinesAI and click on the "Zapier" section
Make sure to click on the "Generate new token" button. This will provide you with a token that Zapier will require, to integrate with your TimelinesAI account:

Then, go back to Zapier and continue the process by pasting that token into this text box:

Here you'll be able to edit your trigger (Create lead in Salesforce when new incoming chat in TimelinesAI):
Choose account: You'll be able to select your TimelinesAI workspace account here
Test trigger: Zapier will load a new chat within your workspace. If you haven't received a new chat, make sure to create a new one for testing
In this section, you'll be able to edit the action (Create Lead in Salesforce) by completing the following fields:
Choose account: You'll be able to select your Salesforce account here. If you haven't already, Zapier will open a window asking your permission to access your Salesforce account. Just make sure to provide access by following the prompts it'll present you with and your account will populate within this field.
Set up action: This section will contain some fields that are required for a new lead on Salesforce. We recommend filling the following:
Last Name: Make sure to select the "1. Name" variable for this one - given that this is a WhatsApp contact name, the last name may be found within the name - you may edit this later on Salesforce.
Company: You can also select the "1. Name" variable from the list. Because it's a WhatsApp contact, the company may not be detailed but, keep in mind that you may edit this within your lead on Salesforce afterward.
Mobile Phone: Here you may select the "1. Whatsapp Chat Jid" variable or, if you have the phone available within the contact's name, you may select the "1. Name" variable as well. Keep in mind that the Chat Jid is a unique identifier for that chat - the numbers you see at the beginning are the contact's phone number; it ends right where the "@" character displays. This can also be edited in Salesforce, so you can add the right information within your lead.
Once you click on "Send test", Zapier will create a Salesforce lead whenever a new incoming chat is received in WhatsApp.
After you have confirmed that the lead was created, you may go back to Zapier and proceed to the last step by clicking on "Next". This will take you to a section where you can double-check the details you just entered here, and then you may turn this Zap on.
We hope that this article provides you with the basics, when it comes to creating Zaps for Salesforce-WhatsApp. You may find the template that we made here:
Create a Lead in Salesforce whenever you receive a New Incoming Chat in TimelinesAI
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us via our Chat Support or send us an email at We'd be glad to provide further assistance!
This Zapier template will automatically create leads in Salesforce whenever there are new incoming chats on WhatsApp.
Native Zapier integration is available on all TimelinesAI plans.
You can try it on a Free Trial right now! No credit card or additional setup is required, works with all WhatsApp numbers.
Learn more about the WhatsApp and Zapier Integration here.
In this article, we'll go over the process of creating this Zap. You'll find the template at the end of the article, for your convenience.
Step #1: Create a new Zap
Log into Zapier and then create a Zap by adding the information required in the respective fields like this:

Once you are done, you may click on "Try it".
* Note: If you haven't done it already, Zapier will ask your permission to access information from your Salesforce account. Once you approve it, Zapier will proceed and gather data from your account. You must also integrate TimelinesAI with Zapier. You can follow these quick steps, in order to have everything set for this and future Zaps that you create:
Go to TimelinesAI and click on the "Zapier" section
Make sure to click on the "Generate new token" button. This will provide you with a token that Zapier will require, to integrate with your TimelinesAI account:

Then, go back to Zapier and continue the process by pasting that token into this text box:

Step #2: Editing the Trigger
Here you'll be able to edit your trigger (Create lead in Salesforce when new incoming chat in TimelinesAI):
Choose account: You'll be able to select your TimelinesAI workspace account here
Test trigger: Zapier will load a new chat within your workspace. If you haven't received a new chat, make sure to create a new one for testing
Step #3: Editing the Action
In this section, you'll be able to edit the action (Create Lead in Salesforce) by completing the following fields:
Choose account: You'll be able to select your Salesforce account here. If you haven't already, Zapier will open a window asking your permission to access your Salesforce account. Just make sure to provide access by following the prompts it'll present you with and your account will populate within this field.
Set up action: This section will contain some fields that are required for a new lead on Salesforce. We recommend filling the following:
Last Name: Make sure to select the "1. Name" variable for this one - given that this is a WhatsApp contact name, the last name may be found within the name - you may edit this later on Salesforce.
Company: You can also select the "1. Name" variable from the list. Because it's a WhatsApp contact, the company may not be detailed but, keep in mind that you may edit this within your lead on Salesforce afterward.
Mobile Phone: Here you may select the "1. Whatsapp Chat Jid" variable or, if you have the phone available within the contact's name, you may select the "1. Name" variable as well. Keep in mind that the Chat Jid is a unique identifier for that chat - the numbers you see at the beginning are the contact's phone number; it ends right where the "@" character displays. This can also be edited in Salesforce, so you can add the right information within your lead.
Once you click on "Send test", Zapier will create a Salesforce lead whenever a new incoming chat is received in WhatsApp.
After you have confirmed that the lead was created, you may go back to Zapier and proceed to the last step by clicking on "Next". This will take you to a section where you can double-check the details you just entered here, and then you may turn this Zap on.
We hope that this article provides you with the basics, when it comes to creating Zaps for Salesforce-WhatsApp. You may find the template that we made here:
Create a Lead in Salesforce whenever you receive a New Incoming Chat in TimelinesAI
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us via our Chat Support or send us an email at We'd be glad to provide further assistance!
Updated on: 20/02/2023
Thank you!