Unable to Connect your Pipedrive Account with TimelinesAI
Connecting your Pipedrive account to TimelinesAI takes just a couple of minutes. However, there may be some issues that could affect this process. In this article, we'll share the most common issues and how you may address them on your end.
This error may be followed by another one, which reads "Pipedrive integration error".
The reason why this happens is due to the "TimelinesAI - Whatsapp Pipedrive integration" app, which has already been installed for your Pipedrive account.
To fix this, you may uninstall the application from your Pipedrive account:
Go to your Pipedrive account and click on your profile picture, which is at the top-right corner of your screen
Then, click on "Tools and integrations"; once there, select "Marketplace apps"
Lastly, make sure to click on the 3-dot button and then, select "Uninstall":

Once you have uninstalled the application, then you may reinstall it from TimelinesAI:
Make sure you are using one web browser window for this; using tabs within the web browser's window is acceptable
Log into your TimelinesAI account and go to the "Pipedrive" section - we recommend to also log into your Pipedrive account while doing this process
Click on the green "Connect Pipedrive" button and follow the prompts that the platform will show you
After following the prompts, the platform will install our application into your Pipedrive account automatically, and your Pipedrive Integration should work as expected

There are 3 main reasons why you'd see this message, when attempting to connect your Pipedrive account to TimelinesAI:
The TimelinesAI workspace owner has yet to invite you to the team
The Pipedrive account was not set up properly (please refer to the section above; "App already installed")
Your Pipedrive account is being used in another TimelinesAI workspace/account
We suggest reviewing the possible reasons aforementioned.
If you have reviewed and confirmed that the reasons above don't apply to your situation, follow the following procedure:
Make sure you are using one web browser window for this; using tabs within the web browser's window is acceptable
Log into your TimelinesAI account and go to the "Pipedrive" section - we recommend to also log into your Pipedrive account while doing this process
Click on the green "Connect Pipedrive" button and follow the prompts that the platform will show you
After following the prompts, the platform will install our application into your Pipedrive account automatically, and your Pipedrive Integration should work as expected
If you get any error after step 3, please contact us, via chat or email (support@timelines.ai) with relevant evidence (screenshots and a brief report), so we can provide further assistance.

If you notice this behavior while attempting to connect your Pipedrive account, from the "Pipedrive" section on TimelinesAI, then it means that the owner of your TimelinesAI workspace has not connected their Pipedrive account yet.
TimelinesAI requires a Master Pipedrive account connected to the workspace, as this will allow all the accounts found in that Pipedrive Organization account, to be connected by their respective users.
Therefore, we recommend informing the owner of your TimelinesAI workspace to connect their Pipedrive account first, so you and your teammates can connect your respective Pipedrive accounts with your TimelinesAI accounts.
Keep in mind that you can always contact us via chat or email (hello@timelines.ai), so we can provide you with all the help that you may need.
"App already installed" error
This error may be followed by another one, which reads "Pipedrive integration error".
The reason why this happens is due to the "TimelinesAI - Whatsapp Pipedrive integration" app, which has already been installed for your Pipedrive account.
To fix this, you may uninstall the application from your Pipedrive account:
Go to your Pipedrive account and click on your profile picture, which is at the top-right corner of your screen
Then, click on "Tools and integrations"; once there, select "Marketplace apps"
Lastly, make sure to click on the 3-dot button and then, select "Uninstall":

Once you have uninstalled the application, then you may reinstall it from TimelinesAI:
Make sure you are using one web browser window for this; using tabs within the web browser's window is acceptable
Log into your TimelinesAI account and go to the "Pipedrive" section - we recommend to also log into your Pipedrive account while doing this process
Click on the green "Connect Pipedrive" button and follow the prompts that the platform will show you
After following the prompts, the platform will install our application into your Pipedrive account automatically, and your Pipedrive Integration should work as expected
"Please ask the TimelinesAI workspace owner for the invite"

There are 3 main reasons why you'd see this message, when attempting to connect your Pipedrive account to TimelinesAI:
The TimelinesAI workspace owner has yet to invite you to the team
The Pipedrive account was not set up properly (please refer to the section above; "App already installed")
Your Pipedrive account is being used in another TimelinesAI workspace/account
We suggest reviewing the possible reasons aforementioned.
If you have reviewed and confirmed that the reasons above don't apply to your situation, follow the following procedure:
Make sure you are using one web browser window for this; using tabs within the web browser's window is acceptable
Log into your TimelinesAI account and go to the "Pipedrive" section - we recommend to also log into your Pipedrive account while doing this process
Click on the green "Connect Pipedrive" button and follow the prompts that the platform will show you
After following the prompts, the platform will install our application into your Pipedrive account automatically, and your Pipedrive Integration should work as expected
If you get any error after step 3, please contact us, via chat or email (support@timelines.ai) with relevant evidence (screenshots and a brief report), so we can provide further assistance.
Unable to connect your Pipedrive account: Grayed-out button

If you notice this behavior while attempting to connect your Pipedrive account, from the "Pipedrive" section on TimelinesAI, then it means that the owner of your TimelinesAI workspace has not connected their Pipedrive account yet.
TimelinesAI requires a Master Pipedrive account connected to the workspace, as this will allow all the accounts found in that Pipedrive Organization account, to be connected by their respective users.
Therefore, we recommend informing the owner of your TimelinesAI workspace to connect their Pipedrive account first, so you and your teammates can connect your respective Pipedrive accounts with your TimelinesAI accounts.
Keep in mind that you can always contact us via chat or email (hello@timelines.ai), so we can provide you with all the help that you may need.
Updated on: 15/11/2024
Thank you!