General Troubleshooting
If you are having issues with TimelinesAI, then please check these general troubleshooting steps:
Clear your cache
Try using another browser; we recommend Google Chrome, due to its outstanding compatibility
Disable add-ons and extensions
Try another network or computer
Try hard reset:
For Windows: Shift+CTRL
For iOS: CMD+R
If you have WhatsApp syncing issues:
Try to disconnect your WhatsApp from TimelinesAI and reconnect it.
To reconnect your WhatsApp account to TimelinesAI:
Click on "Reconnect" from the WhatsApp section

Scan a newly generated QR code with the WhatsApp application, in your mobile device
Open the WhatsApp application within your device
Tap ⋮ and select "Linked devices"
Tap on "Link a device" and with your camera, scan the QR code generated on TimelinesAI

And you are all set! This process should allow your connection to work as expected.
Contact Us
If you still have any technical issue with your TimelinesAI workspace, please contact us via chat, at the bottom-right corner of your screen, or send us an email to and we'll provide you with further assistance.
Updated on: 15/11/2024
Thank you!