How to Create and Use Templates on TimelinesAI
With TimelinesAI, you can create a Template that your team will use to start new chats or answer the most common inquiries from your clients.
Create a template
Manage templates
Use template when sending messages from Shared Inbox:
in selected existing chats
in new chats
in multiple existing chats
in a mass messaging campaign
Use template when sending message from Pipedrive
To create a Template:
Go to the Templates menu
Click New Template
Choose a source for the variables to be used within the template. Currently supported third-party source is Pipedrive.

Enter the desired message text. If you’ve chosen Pipedrive as the source, you can load a sample from Pipedrive and use data from person or deal fields as variables. To insert an available Pipedrive variable, click the clipboard icon next to the field to copy it, then paste it into your message.

Upload a file ( optional). You can upload 1 attachment ( any format) to your template.
Select the visibility level:

Select team/s with whom the template will be shared.
This setting is available only to users with administrative rights. For users without administrative rights, sharing defaults to the user's current team.

Enter desired template name into Save as field and click Save

To manage templates go to the Templates menu.
This page displays the templates you’ve created (10 per page) and read-only public templates shared by your team members or with your team in general.
To find a template, use the filter box: you can filter by template name or message text.
To change the sort order, click the desired column name, then click the sort order icon.
To edit or delete a template, hover over the desired template and click Edit or Delete in the Actions column..
Edit and Delete actions are available based on the template's visibility and sharing settings.

Open the desired person or deal at Pipedrive.
Locate TimelinesAI Whatsapp Integration widget.
Click Send WhatsApp Template button.
Select the desired To and From numbers.
Select the desired template and click Send.
Template message will be automatically inserted into Your message box .
Variables (if any) will be replaced by actual values, provided the selected person or deal has data in the corresponding fields in Pipedrive. For example, if the deal/person has their name entered in the "First Name" field, the message will include the actual name instead of the {person.firstname}_ variable.
Template attachment ( if any) will be added to the outgoing message when you click "Send.

To reply with template in existing chat
Open the desired chat
Enter the / symbol into the reply box
A list with your templates will display and you'll be able to select any. Frequently used Templates will be displayed first.
Press Send to send your message with the template
Templates display only if the text box of the message is empty. If there is already some text in the input field, your Templates will not show up, to prevent mistyping or grammar errors.
Variables are not supported in Shared Inbox templates. If you've inserted a template that contains variables, ensure you replace the variables with appropriate values manually before sending the message.
To send a template into multiple existing chats at once
Open Chats page
Select the desired chats using checkboxes
Click_ Bulk Reply_ from the top menu
Enter the / symbol into the message box
A list with your templates will display and you'll be able to select any. Frequently used Templates will be displayed first.
Press Send to send your message with the template
Templates display only if the text box of the message is empty. If there is already some text in the input field, your Templates will not show up, to prevent mistyping or grammar errors.
Variables are not supported in Shared Inbox templates. If you've inserted a template that contains variables, ensure you replace the variables with appropriate values manually before sending the message.

To use templates in mass messaging campaigns
Create or edit mass messaging campaign at
On a Select Template step you can choose an existing template to be used in a campaign. Alternatively you can add a new message and save it as a new template

To start a new chat with a template
Open Chats page
Click Start New Chat from the horizontal navigation menu at the top of the page

Add the desired recipient's phone number
Enter the / symbol into the message box
A list with your templates will display and you'll be able to select any. Frequently used Templates will be displayed first.
Press Send to send your message with the template

Templates display only if the text box of the message is empty. If there is already some text in the input field, your Templates will not show up, to prevent mistyping or grammar errors.
Variables are not supported in Shared Inbox templates. If you've inserted a template that contains variables, ensure you replace the variables with appropriate values manually before sending the message.
Template visibility determines who can use and edit the template, while template sharing defines its availability to specific teams
Visibility is selected by template owner and can be one of the following:
Public - everyone can use and edit the template
Read-only - everyone can use the template, you and administrators can edit
Private - only you can use and edit the template
Sharing can be selected only by template owners who have administrative rights ( workspace owners and admins) and can be one of the following:
Any team ( = all teams)
Particular team ( single team is selected)
For other users, sharing defaults to "Particular team," meaning it is only available to the team the template owner belongs to.
Different users in your workspace will have different level of control over a template, depending on user's role and template's sharing/visibility settings:
Create a template
Manage templates
Use template when sending messages from Shared Inbox:
in selected existing chats
in new chats
in multiple existing chats
in a mass messaging campaign
Use template when sending message from Pipedrive
Create a Template
To create a Template:
Go to the Templates menu
Click New Template
Choose a source for the variables to be used within the template. Currently supported third-party source is Pipedrive.

Enter the desired message text. If you’ve chosen Pipedrive as the source, you can load a sample from Pipedrive and use data from person or deal fields as variables. To insert an available Pipedrive variable, click the clipboard icon next to the field to copy it, then paste it into your message.

Upload a file ( optional). You can upload 1 attachment ( any format) to your template.
Select the visibility level:

Select team/s with whom the template will be shared.
This setting is available only to users with administrative rights. For users without administrative rights, sharing defaults to the user's current team.

Enter desired template name into Save as field and click Save

Manage Templates
To manage templates go to the Templates menu.
This page displays the templates you’ve created (10 per page) and read-only public templates shared by your team members or with your team in general.
To find a template, use the filter box: you can filter by template name or message text.
To change the sort order, click the desired column name, then click the sort order icon.
To edit or delete a template, hover over the desired template and click Edit or Delete in the Actions column..
Edit and Delete actions are available based on the template's visibility and sharing settings.

To send a template from Pipedrive
Open the desired person or deal at Pipedrive.
Locate TimelinesAI Whatsapp Integration widget.
Click Send WhatsApp Template button.
Select the desired To and From numbers.
Select the desired template and click Send.
Template message will be automatically inserted into Your message box .
Variables (if any) will be replaced by actual values, provided the selected person or deal has data in the corresponding fields in Pipedrive. For example, if the deal/person has their name entered in the "First Name" field, the message will include the actual name instead of the {person.firstname}_ variable.
Template attachment ( if any) will be added to the outgoing message when you click "Send.

To insert the template into your reply via TimelinesAI Shared Inbox
To reply with template in existing chat
Open the desired chat
Enter the / symbol into the reply box
A list with your templates will display and you'll be able to select any. Frequently used Templates will be displayed first.
Press Send to send your message with the template
Templates display only if the text box of the message is empty. If there is already some text in the input field, your Templates will not show up, to prevent mistyping or grammar errors.
Variables are not supported in Shared Inbox templates. If you've inserted a template that contains variables, ensure you replace the variables with appropriate values manually before sending the message.
To send a template into multiple existing chats at once
Open Chats page
Select the desired chats using checkboxes
Click_ Bulk Reply_ from the top menu
Enter the / symbol into the message box
A list with your templates will display and you'll be able to select any. Frequently used Templates will be displayed first.
Press Send to send your message with the template
Templates display only if the text box of the message is empty. If there is already some text in the input field, your Templates will not show up, to prevent mistyping or grammar errors.
Variables are not supported in Shared Inbox templates. If you've inserted a template that contains variables, ensure you replace the variables with appropriate values manually before sending the message.

To use templates in mass messaging campaigns
Create or edit mass messaging campaign at
On a Select Template step you can choose an existing template to be used in a campaign. Alternatively you can add a new message and save it as a new template

To start a new chat with a template
Open Chats page
Click Start New Chat from the horizontal navigation menu at the top of the page

Add the desired recipient's phone number
Enter the / symbol into the message box
A list with your templates will display and you'll be able to select any. Frequently used Templates will be displayed first.
Press Send to send your message with the template

Templates display only if the text box of the message is empty. If there is already some text in the input field, your Templates will not show up, to prevent mistyping or grammar errors.
Variables are not supported in Shared Inbox templates. If you've inserted a template that contains variables, ensure you replace the variables with appropriate values manually before sending the message.
Template Sharing and Visibility
Template visibility determines who can use and edit the template, while template sharing defines its availability to specific teams
Visibility is selected by template owner and can be one of the following:
Public - everyone can use and edit the template
Read-only - everyone can use the template, you and administrators can edit
Private - only you can use and edit the template
Sharing can be selected only by template owners who have administrative rights ( workspace owners and admins) and can be one of the following:
Any team ( = all teams)
Particular team ( single team is selected)
For other users, sharing defaults to "Particular team," meaning it is only available to the team the template owner belongs to.
Different users in your workspace will have different level of control over a template, depending on user's role and template's sharing/visibility settings:
Your Role | Your Own templates | Public + your team | Public+ all teams | Public + particular other team | Read-only + your team | Read-only + all teams | Read-only + particular other team | Private |
Workspace Owners and Admins | use+edit+delete | use+edit+delete | use+edit+delete | use+edit+delete | use+edit+delete | use+edit+delete | use+edit+delete | none |
Team Supervisors | use+edit_delete | use+edit+delete | use+edit+delete | use+edit | none | use+edit_delete | use | none |
Team mates, Collaborators and Agents | use+edit_delete | use+edit | use+edit | none | none | none | none | none |
Updated on: 26/07/2024
Thank you!