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Zapier Automation #4: Slack and WhatsApp

Using our native Zapier integration, you can easily integrate Slack with WhatsApp on TimelinesAI. With Zapier, you can connect Slack to TimelinesAI and set up triggers for different actions.

This native Zapier integration is available on all TimelinesAI plans. You can try it for free with no credit card or extra setup required. It works seamlessly with any WhatsApp number!

The documentation presents step-by-step demonstrations to ensure you can easily configure and manage these automated workflows.



Create Custom Workflows

Receive Slack Notifications Whenever You Get New Incoming Messages on WhatsApp

Predefined Popular Workflows for Slack and WhatsApp Integration

Generate a New TimelinesAI Token ID

Let’s get started 🚀


To create Workflow Rules in Slack, you'll need a few essential tools. You must integrate these tools to automate tasks, streamline communication, and improve workflow efficiency.

TimelinesAI Workspace Account with WhatsApp Integration — This ensures you can send automated WhatsApp messages based on trigger workflow actions.

Slack — A collaboration tool that helps teams communicate in real-time. By integrating Slack with TimelinesAI, you can trigger automated WhatsApp messages and set up notifications within Slack based on specific actions. This integration ensures seamless communication and task management without switching between multiple platforms.

With these tools in place, you’ll be all set to create efficient workflows that save you time and enhance team collaboration.


Zapier provides a seamless way to integrate Slack and TimelinesAI. From the navigation menu, you can access Zapier and set up trigger events and action events to connect TimelinesAI with Slack and streamline your processes.

In this demonstration, we will guide you how to navigate TimelinesAI effectively.

Create Custom Workflows

By creating custom workflows, you can set specific actions that automatically occur when the specified trigger event happens. For example, when a new message is received in WhatsApp, it can automatically send a notification or perform another action. This helps keep everything running smoothly without manual effort.

Configure the Trigger

When setting up a custom workflow, we will configure the trigger to specify the event that will start the process. For example, this could be a new message arriving or a specific action being taken. Once the trigger is set, it ensures that the workflow begins automatically whenever the defined event occurs.

If you are configuring the trigger for the TimelinesAI for the first time, you will need the TimelinesAI’s Token ID to integrate with the other platforms. For more information on generating a new Token ID, refer to the section - Generate a New TimelinesAI Token ID.

In this demonstration, you will learn how you can configure the trigger to create custom workflows.

When configuring the trigger, you must define the trigger events, which may require different fields depending on the selected event type. Here are the options:

Trigger EventTypeDescription
Chat ClosedInstantTriggers when a chat is closed.
Chat RenamedInstantTriggers when a chat is renamed.
New Incoming ChatInstantTriggers when a new incoming chat is created.
New Outgoing ChatInstantTriggers when a new outgoing chat is created.
New Received MessageInstantTriggers when a new incoming message is received.
New Sent MessageInstantTriggers when a new message is sent.
New Uploaded FilePollingTriggers when a new uploaded file is created.
New WhatsApp AccountPollingTriggers when a new WhatsApp account is created.

Configure the Action

After configuring the trigger, we will now configure the action, which defines what happens once the trigger is activated. The action specifies the task to be carried out, such as sending a message, creating a new item, or updating information in another tool. This ensures that the workflow not only starts but also completes the necessary tasks automatically.

If you haven't done it already, Zapier will ask your permission to access information from your Slack account. Once you approve it, Zapier will gather data from your Slack account. You must also integrate Slack with Zapier.

In this demonstration, we will guide you to configure the action to create custom workflows in Slack.

During the action setup, you need to specify the trigger events, each with unique field requirements based on the event type. Below are the options:

Action EventsCategoryDescription
Add ReminderCreateAdds a reminder for yourself or a teammate, just like the /remind slash command.
Create ChannelCreateCreates a new channel.
Create Private ChannelCreateCreates a private channel in Slack.
Delete MessageCreateDeletes an existing message in a specific Slack channel using the channel ID and message timestamp.
Edit MessageCreateUpdates a specific message sent by the same authenticated user, requiring the channel ID, timestamp, and new text.
Find Public ChannelCreateFinds a public channel in Slack using the channel ID or name.
Get Message by TimestampCreateRetrieves a specific message from a conversation history using the message's timestamp.
Invite User to ChannelCreateInvites an existing user to a channel (must be a member of the channel to invite someone).
Remove User from ChannelCreateRemoves a specified user from a specified Slack channel.
Retrieve Thread MessagesCreateRetrieves all messages sent to a specific thread in a selected channel.
Send Channel MessageCreatePosts a message to a specified #channel, with the option to schedule message delivery.
Send Direct MessageCreateSends a direct message to a user or yourself from the Slackbot. Can also schedule a message for later.
Send Private Channel MessageCreatePosts a new message to a private channel you choose. Can also schedule a message for later.
Set Channel TopicCreateSets the topic on a selected channel.
Set StatusCreateSets your Slack status to the given text and emoji.
Update ProfileCreateUpdates basic profile fields such as name or title.
API Request (Beta)CreateMakes a raw HTTP request that includes this integration’s authentication
Find MessageSearchFind a Slack message using the Slack Search feature.
Find User by EmailSearchFinds a user by matching against their email instead of their username.
Find User by IDSearchFinds a user by their ID.
Find User by NameSearchFinds a user by matching against their real name instead of their username.
Find User by UsernameSearchFinds a user by their username.

You can create Zaps with various triggers and actions for Slack/TimelinesAI based on your specific needs. Here we are going to create zap for:

Receive Slack Channel Notifications for New Incoming Chats in TimelinesAI

Receive Slack Channel Notifications for New Incoming Chats in TimelinesAI

By creating Zap between TimelinesAI and Slack, you can receive instant notifications in your Slack channel whenever a new chat comes in. This means that instead of having to check TimelinesAI constantly for updates, you’ll get an alert directly in Slack, where your team is already working.

Configure the Trigger

While creating the Zap for this integration, first you need to configure the trigger. The trigger will automatically send a notification to your Slack channel whenever a new chat is received in TimelinesAI. Once this trigger is set up, the workflow will activate, and notifications will be sent in real-time to Slack.

In this demonstration, we will explain how to configure the trigger to receive Slack notifications whenever you get a new incoming chat on WhatsApp.

Configure the Action

After configuring the trigger, define the action that specifies the system response when the trigger event occurs. In this case, we will configure it to send a Slack notification whenever a new WhatsApp chat is received in TimelinesAI. This ensures real-time updates in the Slack channel without having to check chats manually.

In this demonstration, we will explain how you can configure the action to receive Slack notifications whenever you receive a new WhatsApp chat.

While configuring the action event to receive notifications on Slack Channel for new incoming WhatsApp chats, you will need to fill in the following fields.

Action FieldDescription
Send as a bot?Select "Yes" to send as a bot, hiding your identity.
Bot NameUser name designated on Slack for notifications; defaults to Zapier if left blank.
Bot IconUse an icon from a URL or an emoji within your Slack account.
Include a link to this ZapSelect "No" to prevent sharing a Zap link within each notification.
Attach Image by URLSpecify a URL to upload an image to Slack; leave empty to disable.
Auto-Expand LinksAllows link previews in shared chats; select "No" if not needed.
Link Usernames and Channel Names?Mention specific users or channels in Slack.
Schedule AtSchedule the notification for a specific time.
FileAttach a file if needed; leave it blank otherwise.
ThreadAssociate the notification with a Slack thread; leave it blank if not required
Broadcast To Channel?Select "No" to disable broadcasting to the channel.

Predefined Popular Workflows for Slack and WhatsApp Integration

A Predefined Popular Workflow simplifies Slack and WhatsApp integration and enables automation between Slack/WhatsApp and Slack/WhatsApp. Users can select the workflow, adjust configurations as needed, and activate it for seamless automation without manual setup.

In this demonstration, we will show how to access popular predefined workflows for integrating Slack with WhatsApp.

Generate a New TimelinesAI Token ID

Generating a new TimelinesAI Token ID helps users access the platform securely. A new token ensures proper authentication, allows you to control permissions, and helps track usage.

In this demonstration, we will guide you how to generate a new TimelinesAI token ID:

We hope this documentation has been useful. You can access the pre-configured Zap template here:

Receive Slack Notifications for New Incoming WhatsApp Messages

If you have any questions or require further assistance, please reach out to us via Chat Support or email us at Our team is available to help with any setup or troubleshooting inquiries.

Updated on: 17/02/2025

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