Sharing WhatsApp Messages on TimelinesAI
You can safely share WhatsApp messages with other users, there will be no disclosure of who initially these messages were addressed to.
Select the messages you want to share by ticking their checkboxes on the left
On the tool bar, at the top of the Chat List, click the "Share" button
The chat's URL will be copied to your clipboard

You may then share this URL through different systems, like your CRM or in another chat, for instance

The user who opens this message will see a URL link. When they open it, they will see the selected messages without the name of an original message receiver.

To share a message or multiple messages:
Select the messages you want to share by ticking their checkboxes on the left
On the tool bar, at the top of the Chat List, click the "Share" button
The chat's URL will be copied to your clipboard

You may then share this URL through different systems, like your CRM or in another chat, for instance

The user who opens this message will see a URL link. When they open it, they will see the selected messages without the name of an original message receiver.

Updated on: 02/01/2023
Thank you!