Checking your Contacts' Last Seen Status
This status informs when was the last time the that the contact saw your conversation on WhatsApp.
The status is updated in real-time. This means that you don't need to refresh the page to see an update about the status.
Open a chat of the contact you want to check
Navigate to the right panel with the Contact Information
Under the contact's profile photo, you can see the last time when the contact saw your message

If the person from your contact list has set the "Last seen and online" privacy setting on their WhatsApp account, as "Nobody", then they will have no Last Seen status available on TimelinesAI:

The status is updated in real-time. This means that you don't need to refresh the page to see an update about the status.
Checking the Last Seen Status
Open a chat of the contact you want to check
Navigate to the right panel with the Contact Information
Under the contact's profile photo, you can see the last time when the contact saw your message

The Last Seen Status is not Displaying
If the person from your contact list has set the "Last seen and online" privacy setting on their WhatsApp account, as "Nobody", then they will have no Last Seen status available on TimelinesAI:

Updated on: 02/01/2023
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