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WhatsApp and HubSpot Integration: Installation Guide

How to setup WhatsApp integration with HubSpot using TimelinesAI

Sign-in into TimelinesAI or register a TimelinesAI Account if you don’t have it already;
Connect your WhatsApp account to TimelinesAI by navigating to "My account" tab, within the WhatsApp section; generate and scan the QR code with your WhatsApp mobile application (works both with regular and business WhatsApp accounts);
Navigate to the HubSpot Integration section, within your TimelinesAI account, and click on “Connect HubSpot”.
If your HubSpot user is linked to multiple HubSpot accounts, choose the HubSpot account you want to connect to TimelinesAI (WhatsApp conversations will sync to that account);
Grant access to your HubSpot account data by clicking on “Connect app”;
Configure integration settings to enable/disable auto-creation preferences for Contacts and Deals (you can always return here later, to change the settings);
Click on “Test integration” (will be disabled if you haven’t connected WhatsApp account yet);
A popup will be displayed with a link to a test Contact created in your HubSpot account; click on it. If you missed the popup, navigate to your HubSpot account and find the “TimelinesAI Support” contact;
Navigate to the “Activity” tab and select “WhatsApp” filter, so that your WhatsApp message will be displayed for Contacts;

Navigate to Sales/Deals and find “Whatsapp deal (TimelinesAI Support)”. Navigate to the “Activity” tab and select “WhatsApp” filter there as well.
And you are all set! From this point onwards, messages from connected WhatsApp accounts in your TimelinesAI workspace will automatically appear in Activity timeline of appropriate contacts and deals (according to integration settings).

How does the WhatsApp ←→ HubSpot Integration work on TimelinesAI?

Contacts in your WhatsApp account will be matched automatically with Contacts on HubSpot, based on their WhatsApp number. The matching will work with any phone number format you may be saving numbers in (with or without "+"/country code/etc.).

If a Deal has multiple HubSpot Contacts associated with it, then we'll only synchronize sent/received messages of the first contact in that list

WhatsApp messages are inserted as a custom Activity item, within the Activity feed of a Contact, and the most recently updated related Deal (if it exists). The entries will be aggregated in 24-hour blocks that will capture the whole conversation that took place during a given date:

Chat Link: Clicking on this link will allow you to open the chat thread on TimelinesAI
Contact's chat messages: These will always show up on the left side, with their respective chat timestamp
Team member's chat messages: These will show up on the right, with their chat timestamp included as well
Activity creation date: The system will create an activity for that given date and will capture all chats accordingly

Attachments sent or received, in WhatsApp chats with your contacts, will be automatically uploaded into the Files section of your HubSpot account and linked to corresponding messages, in Contact and Deal Activity feeds.

Automatic creation and ownership assignment for Contacts and Deals

In order to automatically create a Contact in your HubSpot account, in case no match by phone number is found, enable “Create new Persons automatically” within the HubSpot Integration settings
In order to automatically create a Deal, in case no Deal is linked to the matched or auto-created Contact, enable “Create new Deals automatically” in the HubSpot Integration settings
When a Contact or a Deal is automatically created, the HubSpot user that created the integration will be assigned as an Owner by default.
If a Contact and/or a Deal is auto-created in HubSpot by TimelinesAI, when the first message is received in a new chat, it is likely that the only information that is known about the new contact is their WhatsApp number. Therefore, the new Contact/Deal in HubSpot will be named according to the number. Once such contact is renamed in TimelinesAI or WhatsApp account, it will automatically be renamed in HubSpot as well. A Contact or Deal that was not auto-created, will not be automatically renamed.

How to synchronize multiple WhatsApp accounts into HubSpot

Your team can connect multiple WhatsApp numbers. It may be useful in case your salespeople use individual numbers, or if you have several departments using WhatsApp for different purposes (sales, customer support, evaluating leads, etc.)
To connect additional WhatsApp numbers, you just need to invite the team member into TimelinesAI and ask them to scan the QR code in the WhatsApp section, with their Whatsapp application. One user profile can connect a single WhatsApp number, but all users in your workspace can do it. Technically, it’s possible to connect unlimited number of WhatsApp numbers this way (subject to purchase of seats in your plan).
If you have the HubSpot integration active in this workspace, all chats from all connected WhatsApp accounts will be seamlessly synchronized just like in the case with a single WhatsApp account.

Updated on: 06/09/2024

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