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Zoho CRM Integration: Create Leads/Deals Based on New Contacts

Creating Leads and Deals is fundamental for you to keep track of your contacts' life-time value or the overall relationship with your business.

In this comprehensive article, we'll go over the process of creating Leads and Deals based on your Contacts on Zoho CRM. You'll be able to create new Leads and Deals whenever you get a new Contact created by the TimelinesAI-Zoho CRM Integration.

We'll employ Zoho CRM's Workflow Rules, to create Leads and Deals.

To learn more about TimelinesAI's Zoho CRM Integration, we invite you to refer to this article: TimelinesAI and Zoho CRM Integration
We also suggest referring to this article, in case you want to learn how to send a WhatsApp message after a new contact's been created on Zoho CRM: Zoho CRM Workflow Rules: Send a WhatsApp Message

Getting Started

To create both, Leads and Deals, we'll need to follow the same initial steps: access Zoho CRM's Workflow Rules.

Click on the "Setup" cog/gear icon that's at the top-right corner of your screen, besides your profile picture. Then, click on "Workflow Rules", within the "Automation" section:

Once you access the Workflow Rules, you may click on the blue "+ Create New Rule" button. This will open a window with the following fields:

Module: Select "Contacts"
Rule Name: Choose a name for this rule, to help you identify it
Description: You may add a brief description about this rule here

You may click on "Next" afterwards.

Create a Lead or Deal

Setting up "When"

This will define what triggers this workflow rule. You'll be presented with a drop-down menu, where you'll select "Record action" and then, another drop-down menu will show up below, where you'll pick "Create".

Setting up "Condition 1"

Now, we can instruct the workflow rule how it'll proceed by editing the "Condition 1".

"Which contacts would you like to apply the rule to?": Click on "Contacts matching certain conditions"

You'll see three drop-down menus within this section, where you'll choose:

"Lead Source"

This will allow the workflow rule to proceed only under these conditions.

Setting up the "Instant Actions"

In this section, you'll be able to create a Lead or Deal.

To create a Lead:

Record Type: Select "Leads"
Layout: Pick "Standard"
Lead Owner: Click on "Reference" and then, besides this drop-down menu, type a "#" character, so you can then select the variable "${Contacts.Contact Owner}"
Company: You can type "Lead from" and then, type a "#" to select the variable "${Contacts.Lead Source}"
Last Name: Type "#" and select "${Contacts.Last Name}"

To create a Deal:

Record Type: Select "Deals"
Layout: Pick "Standard"
Deal Owner: Click on "Reference" and then, besides this drop-down menu, type a "#" character, so you can then select the variable "${Contacts.Contact Owner}"
Deal Name: You can type the title that you see fit, using variables as well.
Closing Date: From the drop-down menu, select "Trigger Date". Two additional fields will show up below; within the drop-down select either "plus" or "minus" and then, type an amount within the field next to it
Account Name: You may type "#" and pick "${Contacts.Account Name}"
Stage: Pick the stage you require here

You may add more fields, by clicking on "Add more fields", depending on your requirements for a Lead or Deal. Once you are done, you may click on "Save".

Lastly, you may check where the Lead or Deal came from by accessing it and then, checking its "Timeline" section, where you'll see the following:

And that's it - you'll have a fully-functional workflow rule, so every time you get a new contact created, Zoho CRM will create a Lead and/or a Deal for you.

Updated on: 19/06/2023

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