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TimelinesAI Public API

The Public API will allow you to send messages automatically on TimelinesAI, in response to a trigger/action from the systems that you currently use, like CRMs.

Getting Started:

To start working with the Public API, you'd need to access the "Integrations" section on TimelinesAI, which can be found on the left sidebar:

Once there, you'll be able to proceed and generate a token, by clicking on the "Generate New Token" button:

You may click on the generated token and it'll be copied to your clipboard, so you can paste it where you need it

API Token: How to use it

Now that you have generated your API Token, you can use it within your system (CRM, Support and/or Recruitment systems, etc.) to integrate TimelinesAI and send automated messages over WhatsApp.

However, before proceeding, you can always test how it'd work with the help of our testing tool that we have available within the Public API section (by clicking on "Swagger"). This is a playground tool that will allow you to send messages depending on the request format that you select.

How does the Swagger Playground tool work?

Before proceeding with the Swagger Playground tool, we recommend reviewing information about how the Public API works by clicking on the "API Documentation" button, within the Public API section on TimelinesAI or, by referring to this link: TimelinesAI Public API Documentation

A few considerations before using the Swagger Playground tool:

Credit Utilization (API calls and/or Mass Sending Quota) will be used
Refreshing the page will also refresh the changes that you make to it

You can go to the playground tool by clicking on the "Swagger" link that we have available within the Public API section on TimelinesAI or by referring to this link: Public API Playground Tool

First, you'll need to click on the "Authorize" button, before using the page. When you click on it, you'll see the following:

Here, make sure to paste the API Token, and then, click on "Authorize" and then, on "Close". This will allow you to proceed and test how the different formats work.

Sharing Files:

If you also want to send files via API integration, then please refer to this article to learn more about how it's done: Sharing Files via Public API

Once you are done, you may refer to any of the request formats that we have available in this section:

Make sure to select one and then, click on "Try it out". This will allow you to edit the request body, by adding/replacing each value accordingly. You may refer to our API Documentation to learn more about how this works.

Lastly, once you are done editing the request body, you may proceed and click on "Execute", which will send a message following the instructions within the request body.

1. Message indicating that this came from the Public API
2. These labels were created and added as well via Public API

API Log Reports

You may download .txt Log Reports which will inform you about API requests and their status. You can learn more about requests and their status, whether these were successful or invalid (Invalid Parameters), by clicking on the "Download log" button, which will provide you with a file that contains the last 1,000 requests within your workspace:

Public API Calls Limit Utilization

This feature has a limit or balance in place; a fixed allocation of 200,000 calls per month and it's assigned at a workspace level. The limit is reset or replenished on the first day of each new billing cycle and it does not roll over.

Additionally, sending WhatsApp messages via the Public API requires a Mass Sending Quota.

Also, there's an API rate limit, which allows up to 50 requests per minute.

If you require an increase of API calls and/or API rate limit, you may request this via our Chat Support or email at

Updated on: 03/08/2023

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