Articles on: HubSpot Workflows

Send new WhatsApp message to a contact when they get involved in any Hubspot event

via HubSpot Workflows

This automation sends a WhatsApp message to HubSpot contacts when they are involved in any Hubspot event.

This workflow requires an active connection between TimelinesAI and HubSpot at .

Open your HubSpot account > Automation > Workflows
Create workflow from scratch
How do you want this workflow to start: Contact-based + blank flow

Worflow setups stepsScreenshots
Setup Triggers > When an Event occurs > select the desired Event from the list. Ex: Meeting Booked > Save
Click + to add an action > select TimelinesAI from "Connected apps"> click "Send WhatsApp message for Contact"
Select the desired "Send From" and "Recipient"' numbers, enter the desired message > Review and Publish

Updated on: 05/12/2023

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