How to send a WhatsApp message when a deal stage is updated In Pipedrive

How to send a WhatsApp message when a deal stage is updated In Pipedrive

In this guide, we go step by step to create a Zapier Automation in TimelinesAI.

View most recent version on Tango

1. Go to

Login to your timelines account

2. Click on Zapier

Step 2 screenshot

3. Click on Log in

Log in to your Zapier account or create a free one
Step 3 screenshot

4. Click on the template "Send messages to chats in TimelinesAI with new updates to deal stages in Pipedrive"

Step 4 screenshot

5. Click to expand Trigger settings

At this step, we will connect the Pipedrive account and pick a Deal Stage for Automation
Step 5 screenshot

6. Connect Pipedrive account and click click on Continue

Step 6 screenshot

7. Click to expand

Step 7 screenshot

8. Pick a stage in Pipeline for your automation

In this case we will send a WhatsApp message when Deal arrives to "Contact Made" stage
Step 8 screenshot

9. Click on Continue

Step 9 screenshot

10. Click on "Test Trigger"

Step 10 screenshot

11. Choose WhatsApp account and create your message

Step 11 screenshot

12. Click on Show all options to find all custom fields from Pipedrive

Step 12 screenshot

13. Now create your message using any fields available in Pipedrive

Step 13 screenshot

14. Review and click "Continue"

Step 14 screenshot

15. Click on "Test action"

Step 15 screenshot

16. Click on Publish

Step 16 screenshot

17. Now go to Pipedrive Click on Deals

We have create a test deal "Qualified Lead deal 2".
Step 17 screenshot

18. Drag test deal to a stage with Automation

In our case, we send a WhatsApp message from "Contact Made" stage, so we drag it there.

Click in a Deal to see results.
Step 18 screenshot

19. Message was sent

As you see the automated message is sent and synced to the Pipedrive person. It contains sender's name and "via automation" label.
Step 19 screenshot

[This Workflow was created with Tango](

Updated on: 01/04/2023

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