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Mass Sending Quota: Overview

The Mass Messaging & Automation quota (MMA) defines how many messages can be sent by a TimelinesAI workspace , via specific channels listed below:

Automation channelsAutomated responses channelsMass Sending channels
Public API endpointsChatGPT IntegrationBulk Replies
Zapier IntegrationTimelinesAI AutoresponderMass Messaging Campaigns
Make Integration
HubSpot Workflows
Monday Automation Recipes

Each successfully sent message consumes 1 quota unit.
Attachments successfully sent via Automations channels consume additional quota unit.

Quota types and prices

There are 3 types of Quota available to any TimelinesAI workspace:

Recurring quota from plan - free quota issued automatically per each seat in the workspace. Expires monthly. Un-used quota will be lost upon a new billing cycle.
Recurring paid quota - additional recurring quota that can be purchased for the entire workspace. Expires monthly. Un-used quota will be lost upon a new billing cycle.
Pay-As-You-Go quota - additional non-recurring quota purchased for the entire workspace. Does not expire. Un-used quota remains available until used. This quota will be used only after any recurring monthly quota is fully consumed. Perfect for occasional message bursts or ensuring you're always covered without a monthly subscription.

Quota Availability and Pricing per plan:
Recurring quota from Plan ( free)Recurring paid quotaPay-As-You-Go paid quota
CRM Integration Plan50 messages per seat monthly$6 per 100 messages monthly$60 per 1000 messages
Shared Inbox Plan500 messages per seat monthly$4 per 100 messages monthly$40 per 1000 messages
Mass Messaging Plan2000 messages per seat monthly$30 per 1000 messages monthly$30 per 1000 messages
Trials20 messages per seat monthlyNot availableNot available

Checking Quota Availability and Utilization

To check how many Mass Messaging & Automation quota is available and utilized:

Login to TimelinesAI workspace as workspace owner
Go to Account > Subscription from the left navigation menu. Direct URL:
"UTILIZATION & LIMITS" section will contain information about available and utilized quota in your workspace.
Included Quota: display available Recurring quota from plan ( free)
Recurring Quota Purchased: displays how many Recurring paid quota messages were purchased
Pay-As-You-Go quota available: display available Pay-As-You-Go quota

Checking Purchased Quota amount

To check how many Mass Messaging & Automation quota you've purchased:

Login to TimelinesAI workspace as workspace owner
Go to Account > Subscription from the left navigation menu. Direct URL:
"SUBSCRIPTIONS SUMMARY" section will contain information about purchased messages

Extra recurring quota: X messages - displays amount of messages purchased as Recurring paid quota along with the billing date.
Pay-As-You-Go-Quota X messages - displays amount of messages purchased as Pay-As-You-Go quota .

Purchasing quota

New to recurring quotas? If you haven't purchased a recurring quota before, follow the steps outlined in this article.
Already purchased a recurring quota but need to adjust the number of units? To increase or decrease the amount of your existing recurring quota, follow the instructions in this article.
Need non-recurring quotas? If you're looking to purchase Pay-As-You-Go quotas, follow the steps in this article.

Updated on: 01/03/2025

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